Saturday-Pentacle – Week 25 – 2019

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 25 – 2019

A product I’m looking forward to using

FOUR SIGMATIC – MUSHROOM COFFEE WITH LION’S MANE – This is a replacement to the good ol’ coffee. This Coffee is made out of 100% organic Arabica coffee beans + immune function supporting Chaga mushrooms. Taste like coffee only. Contains 50mg of caffeine per serving.

This is a drink which is said to take you instantly into the focus state minus the usual jitteriness of the regular coffee.

My most popular Instagram post recently

The Palace!
…Click the photo below to read the entire story.

A podcast episode I found really interesting —

Jerry Colonna — The Coach With the Spider Tattoo – In this episode, Tim Ferriss talks to Jerry Colonna who is the CEO and co-founder of, an executive coaching and leadership development firm dedicated to the notion that better humans make better leaders.

In this episode, even Tim shared his vulnerability and willingness to explore his personal challenges on the podcast. You can really understand how to actually apply these ideas and even understand them in the first place.

This was a great listen.

A newly gained piece of knowledge (disgusting but true)

Skunk Spray – This is something I didn’t know and learned very recently. That a skunk (a cat-sized American mammal) can spray from its bottom/anal glands for his protection. Skunks are like nature’s stink bomb.

Disgusting but true.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

Passion is one-half love and one-half obsession.

The Minimalists

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 25 – 2019

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