Saturday-Pentacle – Week 7 – 2019

Saturday-Pentacle – Week 7 – 2019


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

An eye-opening annual letter from Bill and Melinda Gates – Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft) and his wife Melinda Gates have devoted their lives from past many years in philanthropy. Mainly working on the very broad impacting issues like reducing the death ratio of kids in developing countries like Africa. Working on diseases like Malaria and HIV. They publish their Annual Letter Every year. I was not aware of these letters until last week I got introduced to it from a YouTube Video. This year’s annual letter talks about 9 surprising facts and situations they found out in the world through their own going philanthropy work. It was eye-opening for me and I’m sure I’ll be putting my mind this year to work out on ideas for the solution of the said problems in the letter. You can read the letter by clicking below image –

Photo –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Gobhi ka phool!
Click the photo below to read the entire story.

A short film I liked –

A date in 2015 — This short film is a hilarious but a bit disturbing take on the not so far off future. Don’t go on the cover of this video (btw which may look like an ad for a condom). The concept and the AI showed in the video is what our current age scientists are targeting.

A new app I’m excited about –

Vine is coming back! What we know about “Byte” – You remember the Vine app right? Where users could share six-second-long looping video clips. It went viral and many Vine creators also went viral leading to success stories. But then on Oct 27 2016, they discontinued the service. But now the founder of Vine Dom Hofmann is launching this spring, 2019. This may break the current viral app TikTok’s market share.

Here is a detailed video from Sam Sheffer of upcoming service –

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.”

― Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer Abroad

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 7 – 2019

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