Saturday-Pentacle – Week 38 – 2018

Saturday-Pentacle – Week 38 – 2018


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Post of the week —

A private messaging app I’m experimenting with 


There are several services offering private messaging but Signal is one app which I’m trying after experimenting with Telegram. It offers free, end-to-end encryption for both messages and private calls. Importing thing to mention is that It’s also recommended by Edward Snowden (remember Snowden? The CIA guy who revealed NSA’s global surveillance) and renowned security expert Bruce Schneier, among others.

An amazing Instagram account I’ve been following — NITCH

Don’t know why this never showed up in my recommended pages follow list on Instagram. This amazing Insta page profiles the classic stars in pure B&W. Found so many unseen images of my favourite stars. This page is inspiring and sort of a classic eye candy.

Article I’m pondering on  —

How to Live Without Google — After all these big companies being accused of misusing our data for ads and even for political reasons. I want to try and break out of this vicious circle. Living without Facebook would be rather easy but Living without Google? I never thought I can go back to living without Google as we are so much into their digital eco-system. We use Google Chrome as our browser, Google Drive to sync our files and Gmail as our mailing client (however my main mail of choice is Outlook from ages, but still). You get it right? We are almost slaves to Google. We think we use their services free. But it’s never really free. It’s always compensated with your personal data. But then I found an alternate search engine called ‘DuckDuckGo’ (don’t go on the weird name) and that changed quite a lot of things for me. This particular article suggests how we can live without all things Google without compensation.

What I’ve been watching —

Emotional Release from 10 years of Back Pain

This is gonna be weird that I’m sharing a video showing a doctor sharing his process of releasing a patient from back pain but for unknown reasons it’s relaxing as well. You should watch this entire video and you’ll probably get to know what I’m saying. This doctor is a legit chiropractor, I’ve verified that, and literally, he’s like a magician.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“There’s no such things as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

— Scott Adams

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 38 – 2018

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