Saturday-Pentacle – Week 51 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 51 Issue

Merry Christmas!

Wish you a merrier year ahead.


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Purchase of the week

It’s Christmas and finally, I bought something which I was dreaming of for quite a long time. A road bike.

Triban 500

From my childhood, I was pretty inclined towards bicycles. I got my first bike when I was about 7-8 years old. But as I grow to be an adult, the cycling faded away from my life. But the love of cycling didn’t. Around 2014 end I got a mountain bike again but while shifting places had to give it away. So finally this Christmas I got a new bike and it’s a road bike.

I can’t wait to burn the tarmac with it and finally go on touring on my bike.

My most popular Instagram post recently

Merry Christmas!
Christmas weekend is coming to an end as I’m writing this. I wish it was longer. But i bet we say that about all good things. We wish that we hold had them longer.
But its not about clinging hard to them, but it’s about letting go to see them again. That’s the spirit of Christmas.
I watched The Polar Express. I spent time with family. I listened to music. Spent time riding a bike. How did you spent your Christmas?
Do you believe? I believe.
P.S.: You’ll know the meaning of the last line if you have seen The Polar Express! If not, what are you waiting for, go watch it.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Elon Musk told us he was sending a car to space – It’s Christmas and seems like Elon is sending Christmas gift to Mars. Yeah, you read it right, Elon Musk who is the founder of SpaceX and often called real life Tony Stark, is sending a Tesla Roadster car as a payload in his rocket, Falcon Heavy, which is going to Mars and beyond.

I thought it was some kind of joke, but then SpaceX and Elon confirmed the payload and the car is actually going to space.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Few movies from my Christmas movie marathon list –

The Polar Express – This is one of my favourite Christmas movies. Animated movie having Tom Hanks in few of the characters and voices, including the Santa Clause.

Apocalypto – Finally I’m gonna watch this movie. Another Mel Gibson directed movie including blood, gore, jungle and high pace chase and action scenes where the story of a Mayan tribal man ‘Jaguar Paw’ is depicted. He is captured by the Mayan kingdom rulers and how he comes back home fighting.

Approaching the Unknown – Another mars movie. Not keeping high expectation as The Martian but still will watch it.

Quote I’m pondering on lately –

“Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.”

― Loretta Young

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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