Saturday-Pentacle – Week 38 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 38 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –

Rainmeter – Desktop Customization Tool

This is an amazing tool for customizing your windows based desktop. It can literally be used to customize your desktop in any way possible. With putting life into your music player into or visually delightful active desktop screen. It can do it all plus it’s free and open source.

Take a look at my recent customization to get a feel of it –

P.S.: The dock used here in this example is Rocket Dock app which is also open source and free.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out these two apps –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Chai is always a GOOD idea!
When rainy day, cool breeze and great ambiance set the mood of the evening. Chai is usually a GOOD idea!

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

The 10-Minute Exercise Tony Robbins Does Every Morning to Have More Energy – Tony Robbins is a legend in personal growth space from past few decades. He has so much energy that it inspires you. If you want to start your day the same way he does you only need to set aside 10 minutes.

Summary of the article – Tony Robbins calls this 10 mins exercise – ‘Priming’

  1. Breathing Exercise – Robbins created his own version of an ancient yoga technique called Kapalabhati Pranayama breathing. The breathing exercise should take around a minute with each of the remaining three steps lasting around three minutes.
  2. Express Gratitude – Take a few minutes to think of three things he’s grateful for, spending about a minute on each.
  3. Experience connection – Imagine a light flowing into the top of your head and then spreading into the rest of your body, strengthening and healing you. This makes you feel connected.
  4. Visualize success – Last three minutes visualize what it is like to achieve a goal. “Don’t think about making it happen, see it as done”.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban – Tim Urban is one of my favorite bloggers and writers. But he too faces the same problem we do – procrastination. But I din’t imagine he would show his world of procrastination with this detail. It blew my mind in a funny but eye opening way.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

― Victor Borge

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
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