Saturday-Pentacle – Week 11 – 2018

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 11 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –

Runtastic Push-Ups Trainer

Recently when I was trying to get back into strength training mode, I wanted to start with Push-ups, but I got rusty due to not doing pushups from a very long time (almost more than a year). Hence when I wanted to get back to doing 10 to 20 pushups at a time, I downloaded this training app again on my phone, which helped me earlier in doing pushups regularly and reaching 20+ pushups goal in a single go.

This app basically relies on the proximity sensor of your phone and when you do a pushup you have to start the app and keep it under your face or nose and then do the pushup. When you come closer to the screen or even touch it both counts as a pushup. The exciting thing about it is that it has a challenge mode also where you can compete against hundreds of other real people doing the reps.

If I got you curious, you can download it here – Android | iOS.


My most popular Instagram post recently

Photo No. 11.

Hall of Mirrors!
Click the photo below to read the entire story.

Article I’ve been pondering upon —

Every successful relationship is successful for the same exact reasons – A really interesting article on relationships. A long but good read with more than a few practical nuggets on relationships. Get a cuppa coffee and read on.

What am I watching — This one is a keeper. Loved this interview of Karlie Kloss with Tim Ferriss. Karlie is amazing and not just with her beauty but with brains too. She runs a programme for 13-18-year-old girls who want to learn how to code. It’s called Kode with Klossy.

I was fascinated with the fact that being a supermodel and a super successful woman at the age of just 25 how amazing her thought process is. She jots down her thoughts on a notebook, churns them into ideas and then executes them one by one. That’s what a do-er do.

A great listen guys. Give it a go.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“If you change what you believe is possible, you change what becomes possible.”

— Unknown

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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