Saturday-Pentacle – Week 45 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 45 Issue

Wow! This marks a year of Saturday-Pentacle posts. Last year on Saturday of week 45, I started sharing my learnings from the past week in a small package, branded as Saturday-Pentacle.

I’m really glad I started this. It pushed me to create more and more, every week at least 5 (mostly more) things I created or consumed, which eventually I shared as nuggets in this Saturday-Pentacle newsletter. Even though I’m still catching up on the normal posts, which I’m creating less than before. But I intend to level up the publishing of normal posts as well.

I hope you guys are liking these posts, please share these posts and comment in the comment section to let me know, if you want to include something in these posts or subtract something or if there is any other feedback.

Looking forward to listen from you guys.

Be Well…


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Poetry of the week – Here is another piece of short poetry which I liked this week, this is posted by EmptyInside on HelloPoetry.

Perfectly Imperfect

To you,
Nothing is perfect.
I somewhat agree.
Not one thing will ever be.
To me though,
You are, clear as day,
In a perfectly imperfect kind of way.

My most popular Instagram post recently

Some places are instant escapes,
from the world as you know it.
Make you feel mysterious.
But when you find love in those places. In those small things. In small acts of compassion.
They change you.
They lighten up your heart. .
They help you get through the tough times.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Today instead of an article I’m sharing letters. As I’m reading a book Tao of Seneca (Volume – 1), which is a collection of Moral Letters from Seneca to Lucious. (Click the link to download the book for free, courtesy Tim Ferriss).

Seneca was a stoic master from ancient times. This book is for everyone, who want to become better, stay on the righteous path or correct course from a drift. This book was compiled by Tim Ferriss (and his team), to pay tribute to Seneca, who changed his (Tim’s) life.

I would recommend you read this letters at your coffee/tea breaks or in commute, each letter at a time and you can always come back to these letters for the wisdom they bestow.

P.S.: The link to the book is taken from Tim Ferriss post, check out that post to find out how to read this book in Kindle reader conveniently.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Podcast: Mia Blume’s leadership motto: design, or be designed – I listened to this podcast a few days back and it was really interesting to hear from Mia Blume who is a design leader, sharing what it was like stepping away from design work to lead, combatting imposter syndrome, and how being a designer made her a better manager.

This podcast may seem like specific to design industry, but if you are someone who is shifting from individual role to leadership role, this is a gem of a podcast. Resources, strategies which are required to be a leader and how grabbing on the opportunities when they strike, matters. This podcast is full of that. Give it a listen and you won’t regret.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – Today’s quote is from the book I’m reading from last week – Tao of Seneca (Volume – 1).

“What man can you show me who places any value on his time, who reckons the worth of each day , who understands that he is dying daily? For we are mistaken when we look forward to death; the major portion of death has already passed. Whatever years be behind us are in death’s hands.”

― Tao of Seneca, Practical Letters from a stoic master (1st letter)

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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